Joan Green
How Many? An Interactive Reading Book
While supplies last, you save $6.59 (30%)!
This nifty Velcro book teaches children to match, identify, label and sequence numbers 1-12. A super value!
They learn to read number words, one through twelve and simple nouns (Ex: six suns) Quantity concepts are taught by matching number to picture and picture to number. (Ex: Have the student put the number "2" card on the picture that has 2 "shoes" or the child picks a picture card, counts the items and places it on the appropriate number card. Simple math activities can also be performed. (Ex. Using the picture cards: 2 shoes + 3 pigs= ? Answer: the number card "5"; or (using the number cards): 3 + 4 = ? Answer: the child finds the picture card of 7 balloons)
These books are designed to be used on many levels. Utilizing the power of visual strategies, the children learn to associate pictures with words. The fun, interactive nature of these books is rewarding to children with and without special needs. Included in each book are several activities created for children of varying ability levels.
Even though Interactive Reading Books were developed in a special education program, these interactive books for children have proven to be equally powerful learning aids for kindergarten reading and all beginning readers!
Interactive Reading Books are in compliance with California State Standards and meet or exceed educational standards in many other states.
These bargain books show some shelf wear, but are unused and are completely ready to use. 2000
Catalog # 11597
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