James W. Partington
ABLLS-R. Edition 3.2 (2-Volume Set)
The revised version of the ABLLS® includes many new task items that were not included in the previous edition.
There are numerous changes in the descriptions and criterion for individual task items, as well as in the sequencing of many task items. The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS®-R) is an assessment, curriculum guide, and skills tracking system for children with language delays. It is based on Applied Behavioral Analysis with Skinner's theory of verbal behavior along with research by Dr. Partington and includes 25 repertoire areas covering 544 skills. The ABLLS®-R Protocol and The ABLLS®-R Guide can help parents and educators with the process of identifying specific skills that should be the focus of intervention for a child with language delays.
Set includes the 148-page Guide and 109-page Protocol. 2010
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