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Linda A. Hodgdon

Ten Tried and True Tools

4 in stock
$ 3.50$ 2.80 -20%

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Catalog No. 12260

A little box of tools to enlist student cooperation.

This book discusses how "we know that making our communication more visual helps students. Our speech often flies by before they can catch it. Supporting our communication visually helps students understand. The technique enables students to: establish attention, receive the whole message, remember what we told them". The ten areas covered are give choices, write it down, give time limits, say it once, make a list, solicit suggestions, slice big jobs into little chunks, make a sign, use charts, and use rewards and coupons.

What students will benefit ?

... Students with communication challenges

... Students who exhibit behavior difficulties

... Students who just need a little novelty to get through the day.

These techniques can work for every student. Who is this little book for?--Parents, teachers and others who need a few more ideas. It is great for babysitters, bus drivers, grandparents and others who need some introductory information.

TTTT is also available in convenient packs of ten at a discount.

12 pages. 2001

Our lives are in each other’s hands.

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