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Estee Lopez

English Language Learners in Preschool

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$ 10.95

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Catalog No. 29068

Preschool children with a native language other than English, also known as English language learners (ELLs), comprise a very diverse group of students with unique learning challenges and needs.

As the population of ELLs continues to grow, there is increasing concern over the widening achievement gap between these students and their peers whose first language is English. Research shows that when preschool educators focus on ensuring that ELLs develop basic foundational skills in language and literacy, the potential for these students to succeed is optimized.

It is essential that educators working with these young learners make instructional decisions based on proven practices and solid research. This six-page laminated reference guide by Estee Lopez provides Pre-K teachers of ELLs with specific evidence-based strategies for promoting a strong language and literacy foundation. It focuses on the following six key elements:

... Family engagement,

... Oral language and literacy,

... Cultural awareness,

... Social & emotional growth,

... Learning and cognitive skills,

... Program models and strategies.

Using the strategies and methods outlined in this guide, teachers will set the foundation for long-term success for young English language learners.

6 pages. 2015

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